Monday, November 10, 2008

Just Finished "A Page Out of Life"

So, this was one of our gifts at the Fiskateers event. Kathleen Reid the author of A Page Out of Life came and talked to us, shared about her book and then gave EVERYONE a copy!!!!! With going away this past weekend, I didnt get to read as much as I wanted to, but finally did get to finish it today. Did I like it? YES! Now, I will have to hope and wait for another one! This isnt just another scrapbooking book, this is about a bunch of woman who meet to sb and help each other out with not only their pages and art, but their LIVES! Its amazing how it all kept going. WOW! It was a nice read and I enjoyed it alot and am SO glad that I got to meet Kathleen.

Thank you

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Fiska-WHAT? you may ask. Well, if you do any crafts at all you probably know the company Fiskars. Right? A few years ago they started something called Fiskateers. You go to a website, sign up and have a BLAST! lol No, really. You meet lots of cool people, sometimes get free stuff, share your projects and NOW, a bunch of us got to meet!!! There are like 4 Fiskafriendzys that will happen and ours was right here in Hershey, PA!! Chocolate and scrapbooking, How COOOL!!
SO, besides meeting a bunch of great people, and getting a TON of coooool great products, and some chocolate of course, we also had a author of a new scrapbooking book, and we ALL got one!! It was such a great day. Did I get any work done? Well, not so much, but thats OK! lol I meet lots of nice women, had a great time, played with Fiskars products, ate chocolate and came home with a load of stuff I didnt have when I left in the morning! Lol
ANYWAY, go check it out.