Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Fiska-WHAT? you may ask. Well, if you do any crafts at all you probably know the company Fiskars. Right? A few years ago they started something called Fiskateers. You go to a website, sign up and have a BLAST! lol No, really. You meet lots of cool people, sometimes get free stuff, share your projects and NOW, a bunch of us got to meet!!! There are like 4 Fiskafriendzys that will happen and ours was right here in Hershey, PA!! Chocolate and scrapbooking, How COOOL!!
SO, besides meeting a bunch of great people, and getting a TON of coooool great products, and some chocolate of course, we also had a author of a new scrapbooking book, and we ALL got one!! It was such a great day. Did I get any work done? Well, not so much, but thats OK! lol I meet lots of nice women, had a great time, played with Fiskars products, ate chocolate and came home with a load of stuff I didnt have when I left in the morning! Lol
ANYWAY, go check it out.


Anonymous said...

So glad you had a great time at the Hershey Fisk-a-Friendzy. I think we all ate enought chocolate to last a lifetime... NOT!

Wendy Jo
Lead Fiskateer

Mardi said...

Love your recap. I am so grateful I got to know you, my friend!