Wednesday, June 27, 2007

In reply to "First Fibromyalgia Drug Approved"

This is in reply to the FDA announcement from my Fibrohugs Newsletter and what some of them had to say.
Original Newsletter:Hi there my friends,As disclosed in every newsletter that I put out, here is an example why I have a disclaimer! My disclaimer has always been something to this affect - "Fibrohugs does not necessarily agree with, or endorse, the contents of articles written by others but choose to send them to you so that you can make up your own mind".Although I neither agree nor disagree about the beneficial use of this drug, I guess as I read the article below I found it very ironic when I got to the "Safety Warnings" about this drug. Here is what it says:............Safety: The most common side effects of Lyrica include dizziness and sleepiness, blurry vision, weight gain, trouble concentrating, swelling of the hands and feet, and dry mouth. Allergic reactions can also occur. These are rare, but potentially serious. FDA advises patients to talk with their doctors about whether using Lyrica will impair their ability to drive.............Is it just me or are the side effects from this drug listed above the type of symptoms we're trying to get rid of? Oh well, I guess someone needed a reason to come up with the phrase "Oxymoron" LOLThanks for letting me throw in my personal 2 cents worth and, remember, that's exactly what it's worth. You draw your own conclusions.

1. They don't mention the severe GI affects it had on myself and a friend of mine! LM
2. Hi and my two cents worth is the same I have already been on this drug and am now being taken off even as we speak. I had all the side affects and I think double!LOL :) any hoo ! My two cents, Thanks , for all you do. Dar
3. Yes, when reading about the side effects of lyrica, my excitement immediately was gone. Why would anyone take a drug that has the same side effects that the drug is to be used for. How would anyone know if it helped or not? Guess some must have been helped a lot, so any information sent out could be worthwhile. Also, though, it seems like this drug works very similiarly to Neurontin. wonder if one could safely tak both at the same time. Neurontin definitely helps me. with the pain, but not with fatigue or sleepiness. DM
4. Hey.... Lyrica IS helpful!!!! For the first time in many years I can actually TOUCH the inside of my knees without excruciating pain after taking it for about 3 months. I actually have MORE energy and do not experience the mentioned side effects. My neck and shoulder pain is less also and for ME it is the ONLY significant pain relief I've found without strong doses of narcotic pain killers. Don't knock it until you have tried it!!!!!! OM
5. I have actually tried this drug before and I couldn't tell it helped me at all. LS
6. After discussing with a few chronic pain specialists, and investigating this drug, the side effects far outweigh any benefits for Fibromyalgia as far as I'm concerned. I have lived with Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue for 17 years, read and been examined by many, so the hype on this drug is just that...hype...I am truly hopeful that the CAUSE of this syndrome is discovered rather than hearing about so many cures. I for one will not jump on this band wagon. Thank you for your imput as well. A B
7. Hi, I tried Lyrica over a year ago and it was not helpful. Just when I was thinking I was going crazy, tonight you and another person sent me information that confirmed how I have been feeling. Not being able to get out of bed, chronic pain and feeling like a wimp. JH
8. Hi Ken, I agree with you... Its amazing to me how this drug did not cause the people that tested this drug many of the side effects listed, since its known that we are very sensitive to almost everything. Maybe it depends on how intense someone with fibro has it. I know years ago that I was hardly sensitive to anything. That changed drastically over the years. Anyway, I am really shocked that this drug is the first to be approved for fibromyalgia. There was another one in clinical trials for years, I think its Minalciprin. Its used in some other countries and the reports read good results and if I recall correctly it did not have a severe list of side effects like lyrica does. I guess its still stuck in clinical trial land.I was given lyrica by a Dr. late 2005 and still have the samples. I was scared after reading the list of effects especially about the rash. But I did try one and was so out of my mind, dizzy is an understatement. I woke up feeling like I had 10 days worth of a hangover, I bit my tongue in my sleep(never did that) and that one pill took close to 24 hrs to wear off. It was such a scary feeling.Thats why I am surprised this was not reported enough to approve this drug. Well, take care! AJ
9. Please, Please, Please, Please....if you are at all sensitive to medications like I am, DON'T try Lyrica!!!!!!!! 2 doses, 2 itty-bitty pills, caused me such stomach & intestinal pain & distress that I ended up in the hospital for five (5) days. It also caused my blood chemistry to go awry. I realize I am a barriatric patient from 2001, and supposedly this new drug effects nerve pain. Instead, it caused all sorts of problems for me & I ended up being taken from work by ambulance & was on IV fluids & IV food for 3 of the 5 days, & stayed on IV fluid for the other 2 days for pain which the Lyrica caused. Another drug they have been talking about for Fibro is Neurontin, & for me, it caused hallucinations & the impression I was drunk or psychotic! When I saw what the "new" Fibro drug was, I just had to say something. CW
10. I tried this medication as I have so many others over the years and all I did was sleep--It was awful-Just some insight on what it did to me-- Lenghth of treatment was about 1 month and discontinued. LEA11. Hi I totally agree I just seen my doc and felt too awful to bring it up but I will. I'm glad I wasn't the only one wondering this Gayla

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